Wednesday, March 10, 2021

WW: Road Hacks

When Missouri gives you the gift of 76 degrees in early March, you don't waste it!

I tried Trigger's hoof boots on Ruby (since he won't be out and about for a minute) and miracle of miracles, they fit reasonably well for a short bareback road hack!

She's much more pleasant to hack down the road when she isn't getting ouchy on gravel, imagine that, haha. Our little gravel road in BFE is shockingly well traveled, so we got passed by about 6 trucks and a school bus before I called it quits and went back to the woods trails. She was fine for each vehicle, but I didn't want to push my luck too far. 

She had to stop and stand while I took a phone call from my boss and was not entertained. And yes, I was riding bareback (on my Brockamp) in full seat tights and Twisted X driving moccasins (#fashionstatement lol) 

Our trails came through the winter pretty well. A few branches down and a few ones that need to be trimmed for riding (they're tall enough to not bug me on foot but riding Ruby makes me exponentially taller lol), but overall not bad! Now that the goats are gone, it's not such a hassle to open and close gates back here. Bless!

The walk of shame someone had to do when she got SO EXCITED on the last section of trail that I ended up swinging off and handwalking back. She was ramping up, not down, and without a saddle, it wasn't worth trying to fight it out about walking back vs angry jigging and trying to bolt up every little hill then let out celebratory bucks at the top. So we went back to the arena and schooled for a little while to end on a good note. 

So yeah. Someone has earned herself some more solo trail rides this spring. Might actually work out that Trigger is out of commission, I need to start taking her out alone because apparently she's forgotten that she spent like 3 years being the world's most solid solo trail horse. I miss the trail access at the old barn, sob. Aside from the end shenanigans, it really was a fun ride. The boots definitely helped her comfort on the gravel, so if I buy her her own pair (and possibly boot all the way around) maybe we can start incorporating some more road riding into our agenda! 


  1. Glad she was mostly a good girl! Sounds like a fun ride!

    1. I mostly had a good time, lol. She's fun even when she's sassy!

  2. I really want to get my two out on trails more this year. Wish I had access to some close by, but not sure I trust either of mine enough to go out solo yet! Wonder if I would die trying to ride one and pony the other... lol

    1. Yeah I miss my old trail access SO MUCH 😭 but I'm gonna aim to haul out to the Katy solo a few times, if nothing else!

  3. 76! Glad you enjoyed the weather!

    1. It was glorious! 😎 Although today is like rainy and 45 again haha
