Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekend Update

Trying really hard to make Monday updates a thing! I’m writing this completely on my phone so forgive any spelling/formatting issues. I did manage to squeeze in a ride on Ruby Friday night, but she was being an idiot at a creek crossing and managed to puncture her LH on either a sharp rock or a tree branch. I didn’t notice at the time because she was her usual forward, sassy self for the rest of the ride, but I *did* notice that she was super off when I went into the arena after the ride so we could do some schooling.... *whomp whomp* I scrubbed her leg really well with betadine and discussed some treatment options with the barn manager. I’m really glad she was there when I first found it and got to examine it, that way we could tag team the treatment and make sure it didn’t get ugly.
Saturday morning she had a little swelling when she came in from turnout, but when I got to the barn in the evening to do chores her leg was huge and warm.... ughhhhhhh. After cleaning and cold hosing, it looked a lot better -- the puncture was closing up quickly, and staying clean, but still very annoying. Cold hosing must be a level in Purgatory, I swear. Luckily Ruby DGAF about anything and will stand in the washrack quietly all day, which let me just park my butt on a bucket and chat with one of the new boarders most of the time.
Saturday we also unloaded another 100 bales of hay, so the hay shed is about ready for winter! DH and I have had such a ridiculous number of horses for so long (at one point it was 8) that we continually overestimate how much hay we will need, but I’d rather have too much than too little. It wasn’t too terribly hot Saturday (mid-80s) but the humidity was ridiculous so while I wanted to squeeze in a workout with Cinna, it didn’t happen. We did make progress in another area of our relationship though! Aside from when she was a baby, she hasn’t let me come near her when she is laying down. She sacks out in her stall and pasture on a regular basis, but anytime I come near her she jumps back up again. Saturday she let me come in her stall TWICE while she was down, and let me sit on her back in exchange for some ear scritches and general loving. So I feel like we’re making progress in our overall relationship, even if I’m not getting to ride her as much as I want.
Sunday was DH’s last day off before his next online class starts, and the classes this fall are back to back, so he won’t have a break until December when we head to Puerto Rico -- ask me how much fun he’s going to be to live with for the next 3.5 months..... ugh. We had a nice lunch out while we took care of some errands, then went out to the barn so I could doctor Ruby and he could doctor his metal sculpture (we moved it out to the barn last weekend but unfortunately Friday it took a tumble off it’s pedestal and needed some repairs). I conned him into splitting cold hosing duty with me, so that made the time go a little faster. We had an early dinner and mini-marathon of Torchwood while snuggling dachshunds, which is my favorite way to spend a Sunday night.
Barn manager said Ruby’s leg was much improved this morning, so hopefully she is back to 100% ASAP because I really need to crack down and start working if I want to show in a few weeks!
Because my barn cats are awfully cute.


  1. Sorry about Ruby but she seems on the right track!
    Wait, Torchwood is still on? Last season I saw was when no one would die. Is there a new season???

    1. We're watching it on Netflix, so old episodes! His work schedule makes it hard to keep up with new shows so we like to find older ones on Netflix to binge watch 😀 that way we typically don't have to worry about seeing spoilers on social media! Haha

  2. Ugh horses... I feel your cold hosing pain. Hopefully it keeps getting better.

    1. DH's comment was that someone should invent something to make it easier.... but there are SO many parts of the body that could potentially need cold hosing! Horses are the worst, haha.

      I'm sure it'll be fine, just annoyed by the timing (which you of all people definitely understand!). She's had such a light summer and now that I want to get back to work, bam, fat leg.

  3. ouch that leg looks painful! hopefully it heals up quickly!!

    1. It was such a small puncture wound it barely even bled, but her leg swelled up like double in size. Because, horses. Overreact much Ruby? Haha. Thankfully she is in the mend!

  4. Oh noo, hope it is already better! What show are you planning on going to? If it happens to be the Sunny Oak CT show, I'm going to be there! (Also will be at Just Cruising next Sunday!)

    1. Yes I'll be at the Sunny Oak CT! I'm the CDCTA VP so even if I'm not showing I'll be volunteering haha. And yay! We'll have to meet up at Just Cruising!!

    2. Awesome! (: That's so exciting!
