Monday, August 23, 2021

Lesson Homework

Well it was a good run, but I don't think I'm going to have 5 days of content this week 🤣

Sunset last Monday

Monday night I took a break from the horses - DH had to go back in to work overnight so I decided to have a chill evening and have drinks with a friend and catch up. But Tuesday was a good riding day! I was very gung ho to get working on our homework from the lesson Sunday: leg yields and 10m circle. To keep me honest, I set up cones. 
Circle of death, but on 10m

We were definitely on the struggle bus, haha. The leg yields were fine, but my first few attempts at the circles were a swing and a miss. I'd make it through the first two pairs of cones and then completely lose it before the last two. So I took a step back and focused on doing a ton of walk/trot transitions to make sure Ruby was really paying attention to my aids (including my seat, which is mostly what she was blowing off in our struggle bus circles)... And voila! We had several decent attempts - better to the left than to the right, but story of my life really, lol. 

We ended with a few good efforts, and called it a night! I'm really enjoying chipping away at these things bit by bit. It's easier for me to stay motivated when I can plan for regular lessons (not planning around Missouri's dumb weather), although spoiler alert, no lesson last weekend (we had to source shavings) and no lesson this weekend because the barn will be at a recognized show. Womp womp. But hopefully we'll be able to get back to it in September! 

V sweaty and tired

That's what she thinks about all the lesson homework lol

Lots of good sunsets last week. 


This hyacinth bean vine (grown from a single seed this spring) is getting a *little* ridiculous. There are two trellises and then a lattice stretching almost up to the barn roof and it's still going nuts.

I uh... Bought another clearance orchid last week 🤣

I laughed a lot. 

Jack is tired of this weather and all the horseflies, ughhhh. Same dude, same. 


  1. Hmm that cone idea is a good one. I love when I have homework that inspires me.

  2. Circles are hard. Did I tell you about the time I spent an hour reminding Shiny how to trot circles? An hour. Of trotting. In literal circles.

    1. I had that lesson with Cinna this weekend so the comment is particularly well timed 🤣 I think in another life cinna was a chestnut pony mare hahaha.

  3. We had that cone exercise set up at the last clinic I went to - it caught most of us out :)

    1. It definitely keeps you honest! And honestly, I'm really bad at 10m circles 🤣

  4. It’s always nice to have homework. I got vaccinated and still currently have Covid. Covid is dumb. The only point of stating that is before I actually came down with Covid (thanks husband) someone suggested taking ivermectin. I googled it, saw it was as a general consensus a bad idea and moved on. Then one of my friends told me she had been taking ivermectin when I told her I had Covid. I had no words. I really don’t get why people think that is a good idea.

    1. Oh my god 🙈 hopefully your friend is taking human ivermectin (which does exist) and not horse ivermectin? Not that she needs either but ughhhh. People. STAHP.

    2. I didn’t ask questions, but I would hope so too. I was too caught off guard. The person that suggested I take it told me to get horse ivermectin and dial it to my weight.

    3. OH MY GOD NO WHY 😳😳😳😳
