Thursday, November 9, 2023

Annual "I'm bad at clipping" post

I've been trying to figure out what to do about clipping this year - my horses live out half to two thirds of the day all winter, I ride primarily outside, buuuuuuut trainerB's arena is SO SO SO insulated that last winter once we started hauling up to the new place, Ruby would be DRENCHED in sweat after lessons. I figured I would need to get more aggressive with my clips, and had every intention of hiring it out. But suddenly it was 85 degrees on a random Wednesday in November so I just.... Went for it 🤷‍♀️ I took off work a few hours early, headed home, and bathed/clipped both girls in about 3.5 hours (with lots of breaks because my back is not up to crawling around under horses clipping bellies lol). 

Fuzzy and annoyed 

"Will cookies be involved?"

I... Did not account enough time for drying lol. 

It was breezy and nice so we ended up air drying 

It also gave me a little time to decompress and read a little bit - it's been a week at work already 🫠

This year I opted for a fairly basic blanket clip - the duct tape helps keep me honest on lines, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler. 

I also am... Not great at clipping 🤣 even Ruby was embarrassed by the amount of track marks. 

Got one side done

And then the other! It's a 10' job 🤣

Then it was Emmy's turn. 

About three strips in I was like ... Huh, I wonder if she has ever been body clipped? No idea. 

But as expected, she was perfect. Because she's EMMY ♥️

These goons ♥️

So... it doesn't look great, but it's done! So hopefully they're both more comfortable this winter and I have less hair to try to keep clean lol. 


  1. They are already so fuzzy! Smart trick with the tape - I like that

    1. Yeah, Emmy's old owner was shocked that she grew enough hair to warrant a clip, and in November🤣 apparently she had not ever been body clipped before, lol.

  2. I need to do this and the longer I procrastinate the longer the hair gets and the worse my clip will be lol

    1. I only want to do it once so I try to hit mid-november - generally that times it well so the hair is grown out enough to not look goofy if I show in April 🤣

  3. They look great in the photos! That's all that counts right? And in two weeks, they'll look great from any distance. Nice work!

    1. Yeah I keep reminding myself it'll look fine in a few weeks 🤣 for now, I can only see the spots I missed!

  4. I think it looks great. If you ever need to rehome Ruby or Emma let me know. 😁

    1. Haha there is a waiting list a mile long for those two (weirdly, no one wants cinna? 🤣🤣)

    2. Not surprised. And I have my own Cinna. 😜

    3. Except you make actual progress with yours whereas mine is still fairly feral hahaha
