Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tempestuous Thursday

So! I'm working on a post about Jack's extractions from yesterday (boy do I have some GNARLY PICS for you!), but in the meantime.... 

When we went out to feed yesterday morning, the feral momma cat had brought up three kittens to eat. We made plans to catch/tame them, and I headed off to work. While I was at work, DH caught the first two and got them settled in the shed we used to tame the last litter of feral kittens, and then I caught the third one when I got home. As we were sitting outside congratulating ourselves on only having three to rehome this time, and also trying to figure out how in God's green earth we were going to catch the mom (she is too wily for a live trap), we heard some mewling coming from the barn area....

Oh look. More. Hooray. 

Yeah. So we ended up with six kittens total. FML. They're all settled in the shed with a fan, eating wet food, and hopefully learning how to use the litter box. Thankfully we still had some leftover supplies from the last litter so I didn't have to run out and get anything right away, but since there are more than last time I'm going to be going through wet food like craaaaaaaaazy. Ugh. 

Anyway. If you're local, want a kitten? They seriously are the sweetest when they grow up! I've been loving watching the adventures of the last three, who stayed relatively local and whose new owners still regularly update me on their shenanigans :) 


  1. Geeze! That's one busy momma cat!
    Glad you found them and hopefully they all find great homes quickly!

    1. She's killing me haha. I guess on the plus side, I only had four kittens last go around and a much longer list of people who wanted them, so I can hopefully hit up a few of those people and see if they want one of the new kittens :) she stamps them all so beautifully, these look almost identical to the kittens from both of the last two litters!

  2. wow, well done! you have a great heart.

    1. I would more call it being a sucker 🤣 *sigh*

  3. I hope you are able to catch the mom and stop her baby factory ways lol

    1. You and me both 🤣 this is exhausting! I can't imagine she enjoys it either lol

  4. So cute! Best of luck rehoming them, they're adorable and bound to get picked up

    1. First one left last night and I have most of the rest tentatively spoken for (now whether people will follow through or not is another thing lol).
